I would like to introduce Tim Sullivan. Tim has an enviable life – he lives in exotic Hawaii with his devoted wife of thirty years Kurumi and he has his own company. This means he is always surrounded by breathtaking views and a loving family and every day he can look forward to going to work at his dream job.

Tim Sullivan

Tim is the owner of Japan Insight, a cross-cultural business consultancy that focuses on connecting Japan with the rest of the world. He has over 35 years’ experience working with the Japanese, the past twenty-two helping Japanese and Americans bridge management differences in the workplace, and training Western organizations on providing customer service that meets and exceeds the exacting needs of the Japanese market.

I enjoyed reading Tim’s story below describing exactly how he helps companies from Japan and America to connect and get past their differences and I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading this as well. If you want more information you can contact Tim Sullivan directly via his website.

The Joy of Gnarly Cross-Cultural Gigs and Reducing Secret Meetings by Tim Sullivan

The client approached me for help. Productivity was down, tensions were high, the American staff felt disrespected, and Japanese managers were perceived by the locals as arrogant and unwilling to adapt their management style to American culture. Same old story.

This time I really did have my work cut out for me. More accurately, the client’s staff had their work cut out for them. But it was too early to break the news that outside consultants can’t solve a company’s internal problems, that my job is to help them better define their “current situation” so they can figure out for themselves how to best solve their own problems. This explanation would come soon enough. For now I would tread lightly and work on educating both sides to understand the deeper causes of their intercultural struggles.

The endgame in my workshops is to get both sides talking to each other without all the accumulated misunderstandings and accompanying emotions muddying the waters. It’s kind of like marriage counselling, just without the marriage part.

My approach is a bit unconventional but there’s a method to my madness. I spend several hours un-muddying the waters by educating American and Japanese staffs on each others’ cultures separately, then bring them together for a joint session at the end where a meaningful dialogue can unfold. It’s never easy.

At the beginning of each separate session I have participants make a list of what they like about working with the other culture, and also what drives them crazy. As you might expect, the “drives-them-crazy” lists are always longer than the “like” lists, a statement about human nature for sure. I also spend a good part of the separate sessions explaining the meanings, misunderstandings, and cultural ramifications of the listed comments. This provides badly needed context. Then in preparation for the final joint session, both lists are translated so both sides clearly understand what the other side is saying about them.

Sounds dangerous, right? That’s what I thought the first time I launched this program ten years ago. Happy to report that not once have I had to break up a fight. But it isn’t a love-fest either. It’s like incrementally turning a battleship around in the water with no single definitive turning point.

In my world, every workshop takes on a life of its own, so no paint-by-the-numbers magic. Lots of improvisation but it starts with education. Then I build on that foundation with humor, facilitated dialogue, self-reflection and structured brainstorming on improving relationships. But if I have a “go-to” technique it’s humor, a natural output of discussions that take place in the joint sessions. Indeed, cross-cultural interactions are ripe with humor, but only if you’re paying attention and seize those opportunities. Sometimes humor even happens by accident.

I once facilitated a joint session between Japanese and Americans in which the Americans had complained (as they always do) that the Japanese held “secret meetings,” implying they were intentionally withholding information from the Americans. The expression “secret meetings” took the Japanese by surprise. They simply took for granted that behind-the-scenes negotiating was how decision-making was supposed to happen.

In the course of the training the American participants learned that that these private meetings weren’t aimed at shutting out the Americans, that their Japanese counterparts in fact routinely held small private meetings off-line even in their own country when working only with fellow Japanese. This revelation went a long way in placating the American staff.

At the end of the session, after the Japanese had thoroughly reflected on comments made by American counterparts, the Japanese managers addressed the “secret meeting” complaint. Not knowing the proper English words to describe their off-line meetings, they defaulted to the “secret meeting” description. With a straight face, one of the Japanese managers faced the American audience and proclaimed in earnest, “We are so sorry. It is true that we Japanese have many ‘secret meetings.’ So our corrective action will be to reduce the number of secret meetings!”
To the Japanese presenter’s utter surprise, the Americans burst out laughing. They understood from context what he was trying to say. But try, if you will now, to imagine if context had not been provided upfront? It could have easily been a communication disaster.

The Battleship Does a U-Turn

Admittedly, this particular workshop was a tougher nut to crack than most I had administered in the past. In the initial American session the tension was palpable. It would take most of the session to get the American managers’ collective heads wrapped around the problem.

The Japanese session was a bit easier, although they were shocked to hear just how much resentment had built up with American counterparts.

Then in the final joint session the battleship did an unexpected and sudden U-turn. After hearing numerous comments from the American staff that they felt “disrespected” and “unappreciated,” the top Japanese executive present asked me to interpret. Here’s what he said:
“I suspect that I am guilty of offending you, and for that I want to offer my sincere apology. We Japanese come from a tiny-island country with no natural resources. America has kindly allowed us to build our factory here in this huge, wonderful market, and it has greatly benefitted our parent company. We are very grateful for that. So we have absolutely no intention to insult or belittle you. We will do our best moving forward to change that perception, and would like very much to work together. We are on the same team, have the same goals, and want to work together as one team.”

I could almost hear the tension escaping from the room. The Americans immediately softened, it was written all over their faces.

The rest of the session was fun, engaging and productive. Everyone left the room at the end of the day with the agreement that they would all work harder to communicate, cooperate, even socialize outside of work. They also agreed to hold similar joint sessions periodically to ensure proper follow up, and keep the lines of communication open.


At the end of all my sessions I get a “report card” from each participant, ranking the effectiveness of the training on a scale of one to five (one being the worst, five the best). Also included is a comments section. This session yielded a 4.5 average ranking, a score to be proud of for sure. But two comments really stuck with me: in both cases, the participants said that they had low expectations coming into the training. Both said they were “very surprised” at how effective the training was, and thanked me for administering the workshop.

Nothing beats turning a battleship around in the water, turning conflict into harmony, and connecting cultures. Can’t wait for my next gnarly gig.

Is the Japanese Emperor really a God?

I was speaking with Scott Z in December on the ArtistFirst Radio Network in the U.S.A and he told me he was surprised that the Japanese people believe their emperor is a god. I told Scott that Emperor Hirohito renounced his title to divinity at the end of World War Two. However, after the show I decided to do some research and I’ve discovered there are actually several schools of thought on this subject.

It is a fact that a request was made by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers that led to the Humanity Declaration by the Emperor Shōwa (known as Emperor Hirohito in the West) on 01 January 1946, denying the concept of the emperor of Japan being a living god.

Since this time, most Western people and many Japanese people have upheld the belief that the Japanese emperor can no longer be referred to as a human god.

However, Jonathan Watts reported in The Guardian in 2002 that the “Shinto-oriented rewrite of history at the Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo denies that Emperor Hirohito renounced his divinity in 1946, as most westerners and Japanese believe.”

Jonathan Watts also reported that the following words are clearly written on a display at Yasukuni, the controversial wartime museum and shrine in Tokyo:

“The occupation forces tried to sever the bond between the emperor and the Japanese people,” it says. “They widely advertised the new year statement as the ’emperor’s declaration of humanity’, but in actuality the emperor had done no more than to announce a return to the principles stated in Emperor Meiji’s [1868] charter oath.”

In 2002, former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori declared that Japan was a “divine nation with the emperor at its core”. Former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi paid several visits to the Yasukuni shrine from 2001 and the current Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also visited the Yasukuni shrine in 2014.

The Shinto religion in Japan has 110 million registered followers. Some Shintoists believe the Japanese emperor is a direct descendant from the sun goddess Amaterasu-ōmikami but before anyone argues that the Japanese emperor is merely human and it would be impossible for him to call himself a divine being, it’s important to understand that the Shintoist’s understanding of the emperor’s divinity is very different to the Christian’s belief of who is a god. Some Japanese people say it is merely lip-service in Japan and the Japanese emperor is a person who may be worshipped but not in the Christian biblical sense of the word and the Japanese emperor may have been referred to as a divine being but this cannot be compared in any way to God in the Christian tradition.

Below is a photo of the reigning Emperor of Japan (天皇陛下 Tennō Heika), Emperor Akihito and his wife Empress Michiko (@reuterspictures).

Japan's Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko wave to well-wishers as they listen to the Imperial Guard music band's performance in the Imperial Palace compound in Tokyo

I love this video featuring my three books inside Tokyo’s newest magazine「Dear Shilpa」

Wow!! Watch this fantastic video featuring my books Tokyo Hearts, Tokyo Tales and Tokyo Dreams in Tokyo’s newest magazine called「Dear Shilpa」If you’re in Tokyo you can pick up a free copy of the magazine at Narita Airport. I really appreciate the effort that went in to producing this video – thank you so much!!

How to write a New Year’s Card in Japanese

In Japan, many people still uphold the tradition of sending New Year’s postcards (nengajō 年賀状). Some people send out hundreds of these postcards to family and friends. You don’t write about your life in detail on these cards. The greetings are always kept short and simple.

There are many designs and styles available for Japanese New Year’s postcards but one of the most popular is a picture of the appropriate animal from the Chinese Zodiac. In 2015, the Chinese Zodiac animal is the sheep/ram/goat.


If you’re in Japan, you should take your New Year’s cards to the post office between 15 December and 25 December. They should arrive on the first of January. If you’re sending a regular postcard, you should write 年賀 in red below the stamp so the postman knows it’s a New Year’s card and not to deliver this card before the first of January.

If someone in your family or a close relative has died in the past year then you shouldn’t send New Year’s cards. You should send 喪中はがき (mochu hagaki). This will inform people you’re in mourning. If you receive one of these cards, you should send a Winter Greeting card ( 寒中見舞い) in the middle of January as a response, but not a New Year’s card.

You can write a Japanese New Year’s postcard in four easy steps:

1. New Year’s postcards are written vertically from right to left with a set greeting at the beginning such as:

Happy New Year


Happy New Year

2. After this, you should continue with a few words straight from the heart such as:

Thank you for all your kind help during the past year.


Wishing everyone good health.

3. After your message, you should write the date. Don’t write the date the card is written, on a New Year’s postcard. Instead, write “2015年 元旦”. The Japanese character for “year” is “年” and “元旦” means the morning of the first of January.

Alternatively, you can write Heisei 27 (平成27年 元旦). Heisei (平成) is the current era in Japan. You can work out the Japanese Heisei year by subtracting 1988 from the Western year.

4. Finally, you should write your address and your name vertically in Japanese at the very end. If you’re not Japanese, you should write your name in katakana (a Japanese syllabary used for transcription of foreign language words). You write the receiver’s address and then their name vertically from right to left on the front of the postcard. The small set of five boxes on the front is there for you to write the addressee’s postcode.

As the year is coming to an end, I’d like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. Thank you so much for visiting my Cherry Blossom Stories Blog in 2014. I really hope you’ll return and continue to show your support for me, my writing and my books in 2015.

Purple Tree image
Christmas Pictures